Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Kaitlin | Woolley | Marketing | The Hidden Costs of Intrinsic Motivation | Intrinsic motivation is championed as a benefit that people should aspire to, with little attention paid to the negative consequences. We study an interpersonal cost of high intrinsic motivation: managers are more likely to burden intrinsically motivated employees with extra work tasks. |
2024 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Kaitlin | Woolley | Marketing and Management Communication | The Hidden Costs of Intrinsic Motivation | Intrinsic motivation is championed as a benefit that people should aspire to, with little attention paid to the negative consequences. We study an interpersonal cost of high intrinsic motivation: managers are more likely to burden intrinsically motivated employees with extra work tasks.
2024 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Joy | Wu | Munich School of Management | Tolerance for Sharing Polarizing Content on Information Platforms | We seek to understand users' preferences for spreading polarizing content on an information platform, which is informative for the design of effective platform governance strategies. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | CCSS Grant |
Hongyuan | Xia | Economics | Dancing with Stars or Crowded out by Stars: Superstar Firms’ Effect on AI Adoption | Does the superstar firms’ adoption of AI foster or deter other firms’ adoption of AI? There are two competing mechanisms: imitation and competition. By using comprehensive job posting data and a novel instrumental variable, this study will examine the empirical salience of these competing effects of superstar firms on the AI adoption process. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Yiying | Xiong | Government | Weaponizing Nationalism: China’s Economic Coercion and Its Effectiveness | 2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant | |
Wenfei | Xu | City and Regional Planning | A New Picture of Segregation | 2023 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | Grant Writing Support Program | |
Wenfei | Xu | City and Regional Planning | A New Picture of Segregation | In an era of increasingly granular location data, quantitative measures of segregation in the social sciences remain reliant on the residential Census. This project collects observed social context using mobile phone location data across the United States to create a dynamic “new” picture of segregation. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant |
Steve | Yale-Loehr | Law | Immigration: Settlement, Integration and Membership | This project resulted in over a million dollars in external funding and about 100 publications, including 9 books. Research topics include immigration law, new immigrant destinations, immigration and employment, the history of asylum seekers, immigration in the US as a Christian nation, and immigrant integration. | 2010-2013 | Co-PI | Cornell Law School | Collaborative Project | |
Xuewen | Yan | Sociology | English hegemony from below: How Chinese scholars navigate academic production in an Anglicized world | This project explores how non-native English-speaking academics from periphery nations use and evaluate Anglophone scholarship against the general backdrop of Anglo-American dominance in global academia. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Duanyi | Yang | Labor Relations Law and History | Organizational Interventions to Alleviate Burnout and Promote Well-Being | Can organizational interventions reduce employee burnout and promote well-being? We are planning to investigate these questions using a randomized field experiment in the setting of veterinarian clinics in the United States. |
2024 | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
David | Yankelevitz | Radiology | Risk Communication and Lung Cancer Screening | Led to one conference presentation and an NIH grant proposal, which was not funded. | 2007 | Fall | Co-PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | CCSS Grant |
So-Yeon | Yoon | Human Centered Design | Fostering Consumer Creativity in Metaverse Virtual Retail Spaces with Psychological Virtuality | At the forefront of retail innovation, the metaverse offers extended brand-consumer experiences that stimulate creative abilities. Grounded in self-expansion theory, this project develops virtual retail spaces infused with psychological virtuality and unveils the mechanisms that amplify consumer creativity in our proposed retail settings. |
2023 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
So-Yeon | Yoon | Design and Environmental Analysis | The Impact of Noise and Perceived Crowding on Consumer Emotions and Repatronage Intentions in a Food Service Context: An Exploratory Study in a Real and Virtual Restaurant | 2015 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Jay | Yoon | Design and Environmental Analysis | Roles of Positive Emotions in Human-Product Interactions | 2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
So-Yeon | Yoon | Design and Environmental Analysis | Immersive Discrete Choice Experiments for the Analysis of Time Perceptions in Crowded Environments | 2019 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Erin | York Cornwell | Sociology | Moving Beyond the Census Tract: Real-Time Assessment of Neighborhoods, Social Connectedness, and Health | York Cornwell’s 2015-2016 Fellowship resulted in journal articles in the American Journal of Public Health and the Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, as well as collaborative development of the proposal for a $3 million grant funded by the National Institute on Aging. | 2015-2016 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Erin | York Cornwell | Sociology | The Cornell Criminal Records Panel Survey (CCRPS): Sample Expansion and Linkage to Administrative Records | This grant supported participant recruitment for the CCRPS, as well as coding of administrative data. This helped us to gain funding from the Department of Labor for the development and fielding of the Wave 2 survey (EO-30278-17-60-5-36; $244,603). | 2016 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Erin | York Cornwell | Sociology | Changes in Social Contact Due to COVID-19 and Implications for Health and Well-Being of Older Adults | 2021 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Erin | York Cornwell | Sociology | Prosecutorial Discretion & Perceptions of Place: How Neighborhoods Matter in Juvenile Cases | Through in-depth interviews and participatory mapping, this study investigates the process of prosecutorial discretion, focusing on the influence of spatial stigma on charging offers for juvenile offenders and answering the question: how do attorneys perceive the role of neighborhoods in their approach to prosecuting juvenile cases? |
2022 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Erin | York Cornwell | Sociology | Moving Beyond the Census Tract: Activity Space and Social Networks in Later Life | 2013 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Cristobal | Young | Sociology | Millionaire Migration after the Trump Tax Bill | 2020 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Y. Connie | Yuan | Communication | Expertise Recognition in Cross-Cultural Collaboration in Groups: The Impact of Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Communication | This project has resulted in 5 publications examining cross-cultural dynamics in group collaboration, with a focus on expertise recognition, communication accommodation, influence processes, and language proficiency. |
2010 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Y. Connie | Yuan | Communication | Knowledge Management in Organizations | My 2015 fellowship gave me the time and space to think about bigger questions about my research interests. Two book-chapter review articles were produced that summarize how expertise and communication technologies can be more effectively used in collaborative work in organizations. |
2015-2016 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Y. Connie | Yuan | Communication | The Development of Social Capital and Transactive Memories Systems in Computer-Supported Collaborative Work | 2005 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Meltem | Yucel | Psychology | Effect of Gossip on Children's Well-being and Belonging | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | University of Virginia | CCSS Grant | |
Jiwon | Yun | Linguistics | What are the Pieces of Language Knowledge? | 2009 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Katherine | Zaslavsky | Sociology | Measuring Race as a Social Construct: Toward Improving the State of the Art | 2021 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Relational and Well-being Outcomes of (Non) Reciprocity in Attachment Networks | How do people fulfill their attachment needs across people in their networks, and how do people also meet the needs of others in their network? Proposed studies test novel hypotheses on how reciprocated ties confer unique benefits for individuals (security), dyads (satisfaction), and networks (status). |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Implicit Ambivalence | With time and resources from the ISS fellowship, Zayas was awarded a fellowship from Stanford's Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS, 20-21), and completed the write up of two empirical papers, which are currently under review. |
2018-2019 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Judgment, Decision Making, and Social Behavior | This 12-person project procured about 10 million dollars in funding and produced a record number of 256 publications, including 5 books and 225 peer-reviewed articles on the neuroscience of risk, adult attachment, the decision-making of judges and juries, behavioral economics, happiness metrics, and political representation. | 2009-2012 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Adult Attachment: Integrating Social, Cognitive, and Neurophysiological Approaches | Prior support led to an edited book, 8 papers, 3 pop press pieces, 9 chaired symposia, and 1 NSF grant. | 2007 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Platonic Friendship and Social Olfactory Cues in Human Body Odor | Prior support led to 4 conference talks and 3 poster presentations. | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Social Affiliation and Music-Induced Synchrony in Dance | Prior support led to 1 paper and two papers in preparation, 2 pop press pieces, 2 chaired symposia, and 3 posters (awarded the SPSP Student Poster Award (1st place). | 2016 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Effect of Gossip on Children's Well-being and Belonging | 2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | The effect of causal mechanistic explanations on perceptions of research findings | 2021 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Draga | Zec | Linguistics | The interaction of syntax, semantics, and prosody in Slovenian | Formed a partial underpinning of several papers, including “Getting in the first word” Glossa 2.1 2017. | 2010 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Draga | Zec | Linguistics | Support for Organizing a Workshop on Grammar Induction | 2009 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Chris | Zepeda-Millan | Children of the Undocumented: Inclusion versus Exclusion | 2013 | Spring | Co-PI | Loyola Marymount University | CCSS Grant | ||
Xue | Zhang | Global Development | State level COVID-19 Policies: Economics, Equity and Health | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Yiran | Zhang | Labor Relations Law and History | Public Compensation for Family Caregivers: The Governance of Care Work within Consumer-Directed Care | Examining administrative adjudication records, this project studies the everyday legal struggles and the state’s governance of care work in Medicaid-funded Consumer Directed Personal Care Programs, an emerging healthcare provision model that pays a family member to perform long-term home-based care. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Wendong | Zhang | Applied Economics and Management | Quantifying the Property Value and Land Use Impacts of Utility-Scale Solar Farms in New York State | Large solar facilities are critical to meet the New York State’s ambitious climate and energy goals. This research will evaluate the monetary impacts of large solar farms on nearby farmland sales prices, and assess land use and crop choice changes following solar farm constructions using satellite data. |
2023 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Liandong | Zhang | On the Causal Effect of Income Taxes on Corporate Risk-Taking and Hedging: Evidence from State Income Tax Charges | This study won the Best Paper Award at the 2016 MIT Asia Conference in Accounting. It was published in a top-three accounting journal – the Journal of Accounting Research in 2017. It was also featured in the Atlantic. | 2015 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Hong Kong | CCSS Grant | |
Nicolas | Ziebarth | Policy Analysis and Management | Health Effects of Weather and Pollution: Implications for Climate Change | The research resulted in a journal publication in the top field environmental economics Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2018): "Population Health Effects and Health-Related Costs of Extreme Temperatures: Comprehensive Evidence from Germany," Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 91: 93–117. | 2012 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Nicolas | Ziebarth | Policy Analysis and Management | The Value of Mandated Sick-Pay for the U.S. | This research resulted in two peer-reviewed publications in Health Service Research and the Journal of Public Economics as well as two follow-up grants from RWJF and the Center for Equitable Growth. The findings from the JPubE publication were featured in the Healthy Families Act. | 2015 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Nicolas | Ziebarth | Policy Analysis and Management | US Sick Pay Mandates: Coverage and Welfare Effects | 2020 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Malte | Ziewitz | Science and Technology Studies | Critical perspectives on the qualitative study of computational and information systems | 2021 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Working Group Grant | |
Malte | Ziewitz | Science and Technology Studies | Restoring Credit: How people Understand and Interact with Credit Scoring Systems | Two papers based on 16 months of data collection for this exploratory project are currently being written up and under review, respectively. | 2017 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Malte | Ziewitz | Science and Technology Studies | Algorithms, Big Data, and Inequality | This project has produced over $927,000 in external grants and 39 publications thus far. Research topics include algorithmic management among cultural workers, agency of data subjects, estimation of causal effects from data for counterfactual fairness and comparing compliance procedures and research proposals for non-discrimination in statistical models. | 2018-2021 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Malte | Ziewitz | Science and Technology Studies | Inscrutable Algorithms: Decoding the Paradox of Computational Authority | His time as a 2018 CCSS Faculty Fellow helped Malte Ziewitz advance his research on due process in automated scoring systems, leading to an NSF CAREER award as well as a journal article. | 2018-2019 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Kaspar | Zimmerman | "Too-big-to-fail" and Historical Banking Crises | This grant has led a new publicly-available historical database of global financial crises since 1870 and two papers: ìBanking Crises Without Panicsî (_Quarterly Journal of Economics_, 2020) and a new working paper. | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Bonn | CCSS Grant |
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