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About the Center

Cornell social scientists research and help solve the world’s most pressing social and behavioral challenges.

  • Group photo of CCSS staff

Cornell social scientists conduct research to solve the world’s most pressing social challenges. CCSS accelerates, enhances, and amplifies this research by providing advanced computing and other research infrastructure, seeding grants and fellowships, supporting quantitative and qualitative research, and building a diverse and inclusive community of scholars.

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Did your research benefit from the Cornell Center for Social Sciences? 

Please acknowledge CCSS with the following language when publicizing or presenting your research results: “This research was supported by the Cornell Center for Social Sciences.” 

To reference a specific program/service, please use the following format: 

“This research was supported by Cornell Center for Social Sciences [topic area].” 

Robert S. Harrison Director

Peter K. Enns

Professor of Government and Professor of Public Policy  

Research focus: Public opinion and political representation, mass incarceration and the legal system, time series analysis.

Contact me for: Questions about the CCSS and any suggestions or ideas for how we can support your research.

What the CCSS has done for me: I am extremely fortunate to have been part of two past theme projects (Judgment, Decision Making, and Social Behavior 2009–12 and The Cause, Consequences, and Future of Mass Incarceration in the United States 2015–18), which created lasting connections and collaborations with social scientists across Cornell, catalyzed several external grants, and supported multiple research projects including my book, Incarceration Nation: How the United States Became the Most Punitive Democracy in the World.

The CCSS Robert S. Harrison directorship is named after Cornell University’s Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus, Robert S. Harrison, class of ’76.

Headshot of Peter K. Enns

Administration & Program Team

Consultants & Data Science Fellows

  • Florio Arguillas

    Research Associate

    741 Rhodes Hall

    Headshot of Florio Arguillas
  • Jonathan Bohan

    Data Archive Specialist and Assistant Data Custodian

    737 Rhodes Hall

    Headshot of Jonathan Bohan
  • Elena Goloborodko

    Secure Data Services Manager

    Data Custodian

    739 Rhodes Hall

    Headshot of Elena Goloborodko
  • Jacob Grippin

    Research Facilitator

    IT Help Desk

    734 Rhodes Hall, or Clark Hall

    Headshot of Jacob Grippin
  • Adit Jain

    Data Science Fellow

    Ph.D. Student

    Adit Jain
  • Nichole Szembrot

    Restricted Data Center Administrator

    Cornell Federal Statistical Research Data Center

    391 Pine Tree Road

    Headshot of Nichole Szembrot

University Research Leadership

The CCSS is housed under the Research Division. The Research Division, headed by the Vice President for Research and Innovation, enables and advances the university’s research priorities as well as research activities of Cornell colleges, schools, research centers, institutes, and laboratories.

  • Kavita Bala


    Headshot of Kavita Bala
  • Krystyn J. Van Vliet

    Vice President for Research and Innovation

    Krystyn J. Van Vliet
  • Natalie Bazarova

    Associate Vice Provost

    Natalie Bazarova

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Cornell University is committed to making our websites accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. To report a problem or to request an accommodation to access online materials, information, resources, and/or services, please contact In your message, include the website address or URL and the specific problems you have encountered. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.

The CCSS houses activities operated by the former Institute for the Social Sciences.


Sahara Byrne, Communication; Peter K. Enns, Government


Dan Lichter, Policy Analysis and Management, and Sociology


Kim Weeden, Sociology


Ken Roberts, Government


Beta Mannix, Johnson Graduate School of Management


David Harris, Sociology

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