Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Phoebe | Sengers | Information Science, Science and Technology Studies | Articulating South Asian Feminist Visions for Technology | Funding supported fieldwork with South Asian feminist organizations leading to the design of a new research project on caste and computing. Results presented at two conferences and informed interventions related to caste in the inclusion program of a major technology firm in India. | 2017 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Computing and Information Science, Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Sawa | Senzaki | Psychology | Cultural differences in event perception: Neurophysiological measures and developmental origins | 2021 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Wisconsin Green Bay | CCSS Grant | |
Juhwan | Seo | Sociology | Queering the American Family: Same-Sex Couples and the Marriage Green Card Process | 2021 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant | |
Victor | Seow | History | Manufacturing Revolutions: The Rise and Decline of a Chinese Automobile City | 2016 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Felicia | Setiono | Nutritional Sciences | Facilitators and Barriers of Implementing Healthy Retail Programs Targeting Adolescents' Food/beverage Purchasing Behaviors in New York City: A Qualitative Study | Understanding facilitators/barriers to implementation of healthy retail programs that target adolescent food purchasing behaviors through semi-structured interviews with New York City-based leaders in retail interventions (n=30). The study results can inform policymakers to develop effective retail programs that improve adolescents' purchasing behavior, diet, and health. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | QuIRI Grant |
Reut | Shachnai | Human Development | A role-model intervention to motivate young girls in science | 2020 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Michael | Shapiro | Communication | Using Personal Stories to Raise Support for Social Policies to Reduce Obesity | This grant laid the groundwork for a major thread in my research program. This project laid the foundation for at least 30 peer-reviewed research papers and 8 external funded grants totaling over $1 million, largely from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. |
2008 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Jesse | Shapiro | Testing the Two-Systems Theory of Anomalous Preferences | 2008 | Fall | Co-PI | University of Chicago | CCSS Grant | ||
Yi | Shen | Graphical Presentation in Regression Discontinuity Designs | 2019 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Waterloo | CCSS Grant | ||
Janet | Sherman | Contrasting Language in Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease and in Healthy Elderly: Stage Two of a Pilot Study | 2009 | Fall | Co-PI | MIT | CCSS Grant | ||
Linda | Shi | City and Regional Planning | Surging Seas, Rising Fiscal Stress: A Study of U.S. Fiscal Vulnerability and Policy Response to Climate Change | 2018 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant | |
Linda | Shi | City and Regional Planning | Taught in America: How an American education affects Mainland Chinese urban planning students | This project interviewed graduates of American urban planning programs from Mainland China on how international education impacts their professional practice after returning home. It will result in two journal article manuscripts, a website, and a briefing to the planning academic association. |
2020-2021 | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Ahmad | Sikainga | Re-evaluating Africa and World War II | This conference brought together an international group of scholars to present case studies on the impact of WW II on Africa. The papers presented here formed the core of the volume Africa and WW II (Cambridge University Press, 2015). | 2009 | Spring | Co-PI | Ohio State University | CCSS Grant | |
Mike | Silver | Computing a Sustainable Future: Fabrication, Ecology, and Simulation in the Age of Global Climate Change | 2009 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant | ||
Kosali | Simon | Policy Analysis and Management | How Does New Medical Information Affect the Use of High-Risk Procedures? | 2007 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Kosali | Simon | Policy Analysis and Management | Health Insurance and Changes in Marital Status | 2009 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Wesley | Sine | Johnson Graduate School of Management | Effect of neighborhood stigma on entrepreneurship | Stigma has been shown to have a large negative impact on firms. However, research has focused on stigma from individual, firm, or category-level characteristics. While stigma created by the geographic location of the firm has been largely ignored, even though this stigma is widespread. In this study, the authors attempt to demonstrate how the location of a firm, when stigmatized, can impact the firm's ability to acquire capital. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Wesley | Sine | Johnson Graduate School of Management | Political Turbulence, Entrepreneurial Processes, and Outcomes | Published in organization Science | 2008-2009 | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Wesley | Sine | Johnson Graduate School of Management | Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship | This project garnered over 2 million in funding, produced over 100 publications on topics including entrepreneurial team evolution; creativity evaluation; intellectual property rights; and scholarly originality. It was a catalyst for the Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship LLM degree and the undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor. | 2013-2016 | Co-PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | Collaborative Project | |
Ranjit | Singh | Science and Technology Studies | Restoring Credit: How people Understand and Interact with Credit Scoring Systems | Two papers based on 16 months of data collection for this exploratory project are currently being written up and under review, respectively. | 2017 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
John | Sipple | Global Development | Assessing the Impact of School-Based Health Centers on Healthcare Access in Rural Communities | This project evaluates the effectiveness of School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) to address health disparities among underserved rural youth using de-identified individual-level panel data on patient visits to healthcare providers. The study focuses on 4 high-poverty rural counties in New York, comparing healthcare for children in 16 school districts with SBHCs to those in 22 school districts without. We will assess how SBHCs help poor rural communities by bringing health services directly to children to enhance rural community health. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
John | Sipple | Education | The State of Upstate New York Conference: Resiliency, Partnerships and Innovation | 2011 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
John | Sipple | Development Sociology | Enhancing the Community Impact of School-Based Health Centers in Rural New York | The ISS grant provided the necessary support to secure a data agreement between the Bassett (NY Healthcare system and Cornell’s CRADIC system. We are now analyzing nearly 4 million records over 7 years to measure the impact of SBHCs on the healthcare behavior of residents in five counties. We recently secured a Federal Hatch grant to continue our analyses in partnership with Bassett. | 2016 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
John | Sipple | Global Development | Rural Schools: Planning and Decision Making in Times of Fiscal Stress | 2009 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
John | Sipple | Education | Poverty, Equity and State Policy: The Move Toward Universal Pre-kindergarten in New York State Rural School Districts | This grant allowed deep and multi-method exploration of the equity implications of the implementation of Universal PreK in NYS. We also discovered a negative impact of UPK programming on infant and toddler care in rural communities. This led to conference papers, a Hatch grant, and Sipple, Casto & McCabe (2020). Child Care Deserts in New York State: Factors Related to the Community Capacity to Care for Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Vincent | Slaugh | Operations, Technology, and Information Management | Child Welfare Operations Research Symposium | This symposium aims to connect operations academics with child welfare leaders and facilitate conversations about how operations research approaches can help improve child welfare. Approximately 30 attendees will meet at Cornell on November 9 practitioner panels, brief research presentations, and roundtable discussions. |
2023 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Rebecca | Slayton | Science and Technology Studies | Balancing Risks: Making Smart Grids Efficient, Reliable, and Secure | This project laid the groundwork for a National Science Foundation Career award (2016), which has produced five published papers, two policy briefs, and 22 presentations. The Career award was also the basis for awarding the PI the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. | 2014 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Rebecca | Slayton | Science and Technology Studies | Rhythms of the Land: Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Thriving | 2021 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Laura Elizabeth | Smith | Public and Ecosystem Health | Characterizing women empowerment and its influences on infant and young child feeding practices in rural Zimbabwe | 2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | QuIRI Grant | |
Laura | Smith | Public and Ecosystem Health | Incorporating “Zunde Ramambo” into Sustainable Nutrition Interventions to Improve Child Health | Zunde Ramambo is a community-initiated solution to looking after vulnerable children and households through the practice of sharing resources and we propose to engage the same cohort of households involved in the CHAIN trial to explore ways to incorporate it into sustainable nutrition interventions to improve child health and development. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | CCSS Grant |
Anna Marie | Smith | Government | Revisiting the Relation Between the Private and the Public “Spheres” After Welfare: A Feminist Legal Studies Project | 2007 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Adam | Smith | Anthropology | Resilience and Ruination in Mountain Communities: Comparative Regional Settlement Dynamics in the South Caucasus from the Bronze Age to Today | This pilot research led to a multi-year NSF grant to support further archaeological research on settlement dynamics in the South Caucasus. | 2014 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Anne Marie | Smith | Government | “Citizenship Effects”, “Interest Convergence”, and Interest Group Litigants’ Strategy: Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State of New York | 2009 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Wendy | Smith | Managing Strategic Paradoxes: A Longitudinal Study of Leadership in a Social Enterprise | 2009 | Spring | Co-PI | Alfred Lerner College | CCSS Grant | ||
Jeffery | Sobal | Nutritional Sciences | Eating Network Partners | We developed a conceptual framework and measures incorporating data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). | 2010 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Jeffery | Sobal | Nutritional Sciences | The Impact of Social Eating Patterns on Workplace Productivity and Organizational Commitment: Initiating a Program of Firefighter Research | This field-based research yielded the most-read article in the journal, _Human Performance_ (doi: 10.1080/08959285.2015.1021049) and popular write-ups including a feature-story in _Harvard Business Review_ (December 2015 issue). | 2010 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Philip | Sol Hart | Communication | Smoking Cessation Advertisements and Source Credibility | The project eventually led to two NIH grants and many publications on tobacco warning labels and advertising. | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Giulia | Solinas | Munich School of Management | Tolerance for Sharing Polarizing Content on Information Platforms | We seek to understand users' preferences for spreading polarizing content on an information platform, which is informative for the design of effective platform governance strategies. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | CCSS Grant |
Suyoung | Son | Asian Studies | Transforming Asia with Food: Women and Everyday Life (April 2024 Conference) | This conference explores how women effected change across Asia engaging in everyday practices of food production, handling, preparation and consumption; participants will bring to light how such “domestic” practices had significant impact on “public spaces,” and created spaces for women’s autonomy and agency. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
William | Sonnenstuhl | Organizational Behavior | An International Healthcare Reform Conference: From the Whitehouse to the Workplace | 2009 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
Sarah | Soule | Contentious Knowledge: Science, Social Science and Social Movements | Project fellows published an impressive total of 9 books and dozens of articles on wide-ranging topics including the diffusion of social movements, genomics research, transgenics and the poor, labor reform in Latin America, sex and family in colonial India, and constituency in post-revolutionary America. | 2006-2009 | Co-PI | Stanford University | Collaborative Project | ||
Nathan | Spreng | Human Development | Brain Network Dynamics of Goal-Directed Cognition and Behavior Across the Adult Life Span | 2013 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
R. Nathan | Spreng | Psychology | Neurocognitive Aging and Wisdom | 2015-2016 | PI | McGill University | Faculty Fellows Program | ||
Susan | Spronk | Contentious Knowledge: Science, Social Science and Social Movements | Project fellows published an impressive total of 9 books and dozens of articles on wide-ranging topics including the diffusion of social movements, genomics research, transgenics and the poor, labor reform in Latin America, sex and family in colonial India, and constituency in post-revolutionary America. | 2006-2009 | Co-PI | University of Ottawa | Collaborative Project | ||
William | Starr | Philosophy | Support for Organizing a Conference: Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 30) | 2019 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Richard | Stedman | Natural Resources | Quantifying the Property Value and Land Use Impacts of Utility-Scale Solar Farms in New York State | Large solar facilities are critical to meet the New York State’s ambitious climate and energy goals. This research will evaluate the monetary impacts of large solar farms on nearby farmland sales prices, and assess land use and crop choice changes following solar farm constructions using satellite data. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Eva | Steiner | School of Hotel Administration | How do Firms Respond to Investment Opportunities? The Role of Cities | This research effort led to the study of the characteristics of cities and how they influence investments, including the working paper ìHow Does Property Location Influence Investment Risk and Return?î | 2018 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Madeline | Sterling | Internal Medicine Weill Cornell | Improving the Mental Health of Home Health Aides | 2022 | Spring | PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | Grant Writing Development Pilot Grant | |
Andrea | Stevenson Won | Communication | Presence in Mediated Social Interactions Leads to Absence from the Here and Now | First paper resulting from the research funded by this award is currently undergoing second round of review after revision; part of basis for NSF grant rated highly competitive |
2017 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Andrea | Stevenson Won | Communication | The Effects of Avatar Appearance and Customization on Embodied Applications | 2019 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
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