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Data Resources

Data Discovery & Replication: Data Resources

Data resources made available to Cornell researchers through CCSS.

Highlighted Datasets

Dave Leip Election DataUS Election Data
Gallup AnalyticsPublic Opinion Data
Kilts-NielsenMarketing Data
American Hospital AssociationHospital Characteristics Data
Annual Survey of CollegesUndergraduate Enrollment Characteristics Data
National Study of Changing WorkforceWorkforce Trends Data

CCSS provides Cornell researchers with access to many datasets across the social sciences housed in our archive. 

CCSS Restricted Data Access Options

CCSS provides access to restricted datasets through these services. 

Cornell Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC)Restricted-access federal data
Regulated Research EnvironmentRestricted research data

Access to Partner Data Repositories

Through memberships with selected social science organizations, CCSS also provides access to external data repositories.  

Repository Description
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)  General social and behavioral sciences data 
Qualitative Data Repository (QDR)  Data generated through qualitative and multi-method research in the social sciences 
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research Public opinion polling data 

Select Cornell-Created Data Sources

The CCSS Data and Reproduction Archive is an archival option available to Cornell researchers to archive their data. Many of these sources are available to other Cornell researchers. 

Cornell Researcher Connected Datasets

Title Cornell Author Research Category
Projected Revenue Losses for 410 Florida Municipalities Based on Sea Level Rise in 2100 Linda Shi, Ryan Thomas, Yousuf Mahid, Austin M. Aldag,   City & Regional Planning 
Forest Priorities Study, 2004 Jeffrey A. Klein, Steven A. Wolf  Natural Resources and the Environment 
Data from Two-year Randomized Controlled Study on Daily Self-weighing Among Workplace Employees in Ithaca, NY, 2017-2019 David A. Levitsky, Laura K. Barré  Nutritional Sciences 
Family Formation Attitudes of Thai Adolescents, 1989 Tanaporn Praditwong, J. Maycone Stycos  Population Sciences 
Strategic Defense Initiative: An Opinion Survey of Scientists, 1986 Peter Stein, Steven Soter  Government & Public Policy 
Organizational Ecology of Labor Unions Project of Public-release Data Set: American National Labor Unions, 1836-1985 Michael T. Hannan  Industrial and Labor Relations 


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