Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Chloe | Ahmann | Anthropology | AFTER APOCALYPSE: American Ecofascism and the Dark Work of Earthly Restoration | After Apocalypse examines ecofascism’s “murderous reparative vision” in far-right groups, focusing on mundane efforts—like bioregionalism and veganism—that cultivate extremism. Through archival, online, and emplaced research in Cascadia, the study reveals ecofascism’s links between racial violence, environmental anxieties, and reparative futures. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Jan | Burzlaff | Jewish Studies | Help and Harm during the Holocaust: A Qualitative Research | This project examines interethnic and inter-religious interactions during WWII, analyzing survivor testimonies from YIVO Archives to explore patterns of Jewish mobility, help, and harm. By mapping hiding places and social dynamics, it uncovers how visibility shaped responses to persecution, advancing interdisciplinary understanding of mass violence. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Nathalia | Da Conceição Leite Dos Santos | Sociology | Unraveling the Social Cohesion Paradox: Trust and Resilience in a Flood-Prone Neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro | This project explores the “social cohesion paradox” in a disadvantaged Rio de Janeiro community, examining how chronic hardships, particularly recurring floods, foster trust, solidarity, and collective action. Using a mixed-methods approach, it highlights resilience-building processes to inform equitable policies addressing poverty and inequality. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Liting | Ding | Anthropology | Making Farming Blue: Sustainable Aquaculture Development and the Climate-Resilient Future in Southern Vietnam | This project investigates sustainable aquaculture in Southern Vietnam as a climate-resilient development strategy “with socialist characteristics.” Through ethnographic research, it examines how scientific expertise and late-socialist governance negotiate authority, shaping environmental governance, economic potential, and Vietnam’s response to climate change. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Ding | Fei | City and Regional Planning | Auto finance, ride-hailing, and platform labor: a comparative study of Lagos and Addis Ababa | This project examines Africa's expanding ride-hailing sector through a comparative analysis of Addis Ababa and Lagos, focusing on the relationships between platforms, auto financiers, and labor. It explores employment practices, worker experiences, and unions' strategies amid diverse financial and regulatory frameworks shaping digital labor. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | QuIRI Grant |
Roger | Figueroa | Nutritional Sciences | Acceptability of local food procurement among recipients in Cortland and Tompkins counties, New York | This project evaluates the acceptability of the Local Food Procurement Agreement (LFPA) in Cortland and Tompkins counties. Through focus groups, it examines recipient perceptions regarding LFPA’s effectiveness, burden, and ethicality to assess its role in strengthening food systems, reducing food insecurity, and supporting small-scale farmers. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | QuIRI Grant |
Kathryn | Foster | Global Development | Beyond Trapped or Mobile: Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors of Post-Flood Residential Immobility and Mobility | This dissertation examines post-flood residential im/mobility in Monroe County, Florida, and Cameron Parish, Louisiana, exploring how socioeconomic factors, demographics, and access to recovery resources shape decisions to stay or move. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, it highlights how flooding amplifies community inequalities and stratification. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Julian | Hartman | City and Regional Planning | Architecture Firms from Urban Renewal to Urban Entrepreneurialism | This project investigates the evolving role of architectural firms, planners, and their relationships with community groups, clients, and schools in Boston’s urban redevelopment from the 1960s to the 1980s. By analyzing case studies, it explores shifts in governance, professional practices, and community influence, enriching urban geography and planning scholarship. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | QuIRI Grant |
Tuan-he | Lee | Information Science | Exploring the Challenges and Design Opportunities for Remote Mental Health Supporters | This project investigates the challenges faced by remote supporters of individuals with mental health conditions and explores technology's role in providing support. Through interviews, content analysis, and co-design sessions, it identifies opportunities to improve remote supporters' well-being and develop tailored technological solutions. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Computing and Information Science | QuIRI Grant |
Jeanne | Moseley | Public and Ecosystem Health | Poetry for Good Public and Ecosystem Health: Evaluating an Innovative Model for Utilizing Poetry to Build Critical Reflection Practice and Enhance Public Health Education among US Public Health and Tanzanian Medical Students | This project evaluates the Poetry for Good Public and Ecosystem Health initiative, exploring poetry’s role in fostering critical reflection, community building, and creative expression in public health education. Using interviews and Ripple Effects Mapping, findings will inform sustainable, arts-integrated models for global health curricula. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | QuIRI Grant |
Lara | Roeven | Global Development | Potatoes in and out of place: The politics of potato repatriation in the Peruvian Andes | This project examines integrated agrobiodiversity conservation efforts in the Peruvian Andes, focusing on how they address historical inequalities while promoting modern agriculture. Through ethnographic and participatory research, it explores farmers' access, control, and gendered dynamics within conservation initiatives led by CIP and the Peruvian state. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Rogelio | Scott Insua | Anthropology | Architecture Firms from Urban Renewal to Urban Entrepreneurialism | This research ethnographically explores the collaboration between genomic medicine and Lacanian psychoanalysis at HUG-CELL in São Paulo, Brazil, examining how geneticists and psychoanalysts navigate divergent claims of scientific originality, autonomy, and clinical relevance in treating neuromuscular disorders. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
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