Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Marvi | Ahmed | Global Development | Assembling the Development Frontier: Identity, Climate Vulnerability & Agrarian Politics in the Indus Delta | This project explores the entanglements between modernist donor-funded community development projects, structural inequalities such as caste, intergenerational debt bondage and land ownership with the unevenness of climate vulnerability in the Indus Delta region of Pakistan.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Aparajita | Bhandari | Communication | Communicative Labor and Community Care in Times of Crisis: The Case of VaxHuntersCanada | This project engages in a multi-method exploration of the hidden labor of building digitally mediated collectives through a case study of VaxHuntersCanada's social media channels, a large volunteer run online community created to help people find vaccine appointments during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Isha | Bhatnagar | Global Development | Dearest daughters: Women's agency, parental expectations and elderly support in north India | Using interviews with women and focus group discussions with elderly parents in Delhi, I investigate how the gender, birth order and physical proximity of siblings influences women's agency to support elderly parents, spousal decision-making on visiting wife's family, and elderly expectations from their children.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Patricia | Campos Medina | Labor Relations Law and History | Displaced and Uprooted: Stories of Belonging Central American TPS Workers' Defiant Struggle for their Right to Stay Home in US | This project seeks to elevate the stories of workers with TPS (Temporary Protective Status) who despite living in temporality, have engaged in social movement organizing, have participated in non-traditional political mobilization and have become agents for their own struggle for permanency and citizenship rights. It will also explore the engagement of TPS workers in the struggle for immigrant worker justice and union organizing. The survey interview questionnaire covers three dimensions of belonging, or what Campos-Medina 2019 describes as Bounded Integration: (1) Social Economic Status, (2) Civic and Social Movement Engagement, and (3) Collective Group Identity.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | QuIRI Grant |
Iggy E-Shien | Chang | Experiences and challenges faced by certified nursing assistants in mitigating resident-to-resident aggression in long-term care facilities: The role of race and ethnicity | The goal of this study is to improve our understanding of the role of race/ethnicity in resident-to-resident aggression (RRA) from the perspective of certified nursing assistants. Insights generated will help inform the design of a novel staff education intervention to mitigate and prevent race/ethnicity-related RRA.
2022 | Fall | PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | QuIRI Grant | |
Monica | Cornejo | Communication | Post COVID-19: The Social, Health, and Educational Experiences of Latina/o/x Undocumented College Students | This project will explore undocumented college students' social, health, and educational experiences post COVID-19. Sixty semi-structured interviews will be conducted with undocumented undergraduates from (1) a west coast community college; (2) a south-central public university; and (3) an east coast ivy league university.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Itamar | Haritan | Anthropology | Foreign Ancestors: Alternative Genealogical Imaginaries in Israeli Society | This study asks whether and how the genealogical imaginaries created by Israeli Family Constellation facilitators and participants and Polish-Israeli hometown association activists create alternative genealogical imaginaries, and how these imaginaries affirm, transform or resist dominant modes of belonging in Israeli society, which are usually nationalized.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Jiuheng | He | Science and Technology Studies | The Go Community and AlphaGo: An Ethnographic Study of an Encounter with AI | This work looks at interactions between humans and artificial intelligence (AI), exploring how the capabilities of machine learning are affecting the Go community.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Zeynab | Jouzi | Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research | Co-production of knowledge for designing and developing of support services in transitional housing in New York City. | New York City has the largest number of sheltered homelessness in the country. This study will utilize the co-production of knowledge approach to collaborate with the residents of a transitional housing center in NYC, to design the appropriate supportive system to empower and prepare residents for a successful transition to their permanent housing. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | QuIRI Grant |
Kristie | Lebeau | Global Development | Hitting the $40,000 Threshold: A Rural Critical Policy Analysis of Indiana Competitive Teacher Pay Legislation | Indiana recently implemented a statewide $40,000 minimum salary requirement for public school districts. I aim to understand how this seemingly neutral statewide policy can be more attentive to rural needs and discover what local budget decisions result in the highest net benefit for rural communities.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Benjamin | Lipp | Science and Technology Studies | The Promise of 'Post-Opioid' Pain Technology | The aim of this project is to understand the convergence of digital and neuro-technology in chronic pain amidst the opioid crisis. It compares pain technologies combining neuro-technological interventions with data-driven techniques. The project will analyse their promise as "post-opioid" technologies as well as associated risks.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Colten | Meisner | Communication | Independent News Production in the Platform Economy: Digital Journalists, Social Media Creators, and the Labor of Subscription Platforms | This project examines how the labor of journalism is being reconfigured through the structures and incentives of the social media economy. Specifically, I consider how subscription platforms like Substack, which successfully serve both digital journalists and social media creators, are shaping future news cultures.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Jaleesa | Reed | Human Centered Design | Investigating Store Experiences at the Black Beauty Supply Store | This project investigates two Black beauty supply stores in Syracuse, NY from the perspective of store owners, employees, and customers. Using observation, surveys, and interviews, this study analyzes the relationship between location, Black American beauty culture, and racial/ethnic groups related to the Black beauty supply store.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | QuIRI Grant |
Laura Elizabeth | Smith | Public and Ecosystem Health | Characterizing women empowerment and its influences on infant and young child feeding practices in rural Zimbabwe | 2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | QuIRI Grant | |
Stephen | Vider | History | LGBTQ Affirmative Psychotherapy and Social Services, 1960 to 1987 | This study, co-directed by Stephen Vider (Cornell University) and David S. Byers (Bryn Mawr College), investigates the role of grassroots clinical activism in the depathologization of LGBTQ people in the United States from 1960 to 1987, through archival research as well as oral history interviews.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
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