Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Matthew | Baron | Johnson Graduate School of Management | Real Estate Cycles and Banking Crises | This project aims to analyze the role of real estate cycles in causing banking crises by creating a new historical database of the stock returns of real estate-related firms and investment vehicles since 1870 across 17 economies. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Sara | Bronin | City and Regional Planning | A Historic Preservation Local Law Census: Where and Why | People interact with preservation law predominantly at the local level, through historic commissions that opine on proposed rehab projects. Yet there is neither a census of local governments that regulate historic places, nor any scholarship that ties adoption to demographic characteristics, political inclinations, and state enabling authority features. My research will identify where historic districts have been adopted and explore how rates of adoption change from state to state depending on various independent variables. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant |
Will | Hobbs | Psychology | Text as Data Conference | The 12th annual New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data (TADA) meeting will take place at Cornell Tech. TADA is the premiere venue for computational social science work involving documents, social media, and other text. |
2022 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Douglas | Kriner | Government | Presidential Politics in an Era of Democratic Disruption | This conference examines how presidential politics have helped precipitate and in turn been shaped by troubling trends in democratic governance in the United States and around the world. Papers will be published in a special issue of Presidential Studies Quarterly. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
David | Mimno | Information Science | Text as Data Conference | The 12th annual New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data (TADA) meeting will take place at Cornell Tech. TADA is the premiere venue for computational social science work involving documents, social media, and other text. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Computing and Information Science | CCSS Grant |
Shaun | Nichols | Philosophy | The nature and emergence of property norms | Where do ideas of private property come from? This project will examine how territorial instincts might generate property norms through biases in cultural learning. The project will also investigate how people think about property norms, e.g., whether they are fundamentally moral or conventional. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Laura | Smith | Public and Ecosystem Health | Incorporating “Zunde Ramambo” into Sustainable Nutrition Interventions to Improve Child Health | Zunde Ramambo is a community-initiated solution to looking after vulnerable children and households through the practice of sharing resources and we propose to engage the same cohort of households involved in the CHAIN trial to explore ways to incorporate it into sustainable nutrition interventions to improve child health and development. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | CCSS Grant |
John | Thrasher | Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy | The nature and emergence of property norms | Where do ideas of private property come from? This project will examine how territorial instincts might generate property norms through biases in cultural learning. The project will also investigate how people think about property norms, e.g., whether they are fundamentally moral or conventional. |
2022 | Spring | Co-PI | Chapman University | CCSS Grant |
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