Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Matthew | Baron | Johnson Graduate School of Management | "Too-big-to-fail" and Historical Banking Crises | This grant has led a new publicly-available historical database of global financial crises since 1870 and two papers: "Banking Crises Without Panics" (Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020) and a new working paper. |
2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Levon | Barseghyan | Economics | Estimating Risk Preferences with Limited Consideration | This project: puts forward a semi-nonparametric empirical model of discrete choice with limited consideration; characterizes what can be learned about the parameters and distribution functions; provides methods to build and test confidence intervals; applies the previous to household decision making under risk. |
2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Rachel | Bezner Kerr | Development Sociology | First Conference/Workshop: Ecological Learning Collaboratory for Food, Healing, and Spatial Justice | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Daniel | Casasanto | Human Development | Revolutionizing Assessment of Children's Early Numerical Abilities with Portable EEG | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Raymond | Craib | History | Libertarian Noir: Unsettled Histories of Exit and Enclosure | The research that this grant enabled is a central part of Craib's book, Libertarian Exit, currently under review with Yale University Press. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Saida | Hodzic | Anthropology | Work that Kills: The Social Life of a Bosnian Weapons Factory | The research supported by this grant has been presented at the European Association of Social Anthropologists biennial conference; publications and further grant applications are planned. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Nicholas | Klein | City and Regional Planning | How Car Donation Programs Change the Lives of Poor Families | The research afforded by this grant has been presented at several conferences and published in an article - ìSubsidizing Car Ownership for Low-Income Individuals and Householdsî in the Journal of Planning Education and Research. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant |
Neema | Kudva | Development Sociology | First Conference/Workshop: Ecological Learning Collaboratory for Food, Healing, and Spatial Justice | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Stacey | Langwick | Anthropology | First Conference/Workshop: Ecological Learning Collaboratory for Food, Healing, and Spatial Justice | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Cynthia | Lawell | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Water Conservation and Management: Agricultural Water Use, Climate Change, and Government Policy | The research funded by this grant has resulted in several papers, presentations, and publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles published in Sustainability, in its Special Issue on "Sustainable Agriculture: The State of the Great Debates"; and in Resource and Energy Economics. |
2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Tashara | Leak | Nutritional Sciences | A Critical Examination of After School Programming at Racially Diverse, Title I Middle Schools in Urban Communities | Interviews with staff from Title I-funded middle schools in New York City led to the development of the Advanced Cooking Education program, a nutrition and culinary focused afterschool activity for students from diverse backgrounds. Program implementation and relevant manuscripts are in progress. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Aija | Leiponen | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Paying for Privacy, Selling Your Information, and Finding Safety in Numbers | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
Neil | Lewis Jr. | Communication | Is There Really a 2:1 Hiring Preference for Women on the STEM Tenure Track? Exploring Boundary Conditions of Williams and Ceci (2015) | Lewis's team has conducted four studies that reveal important conditions under which gender bias may emerge in hiring. They have also secured an in principle acceptance for publication of this research at Nature Human Behaviour. |
2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Francesca | Molinari | Economics | Estimating Risk Preferences with Limited Consideration | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Pedro | Rabelo Erber | Romance Studies | Collaborative Documentation of the Endangered Language Bororo | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Evan | Riehl | Economics | Minority Hiring Quotes and Worker/Firm Match Quality: Evidence from Brazil | The research supported by this grant has been developed into two workings papers that analyze policies that aim reduce inequality by improving the matching of students to colleges and firms. Publication of these papers is pending. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Kenneth | Roberts | Government | Authoritative and Contentious Knowledge: Democracy in the Era of "Fake News" | This small conference helped build a research network that received a grant from the Hewlett Foundation for a major conference in 2019, leading to an edited volume on polarization and democratic resiliency that is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Mats | Rooth | Linguistics | Collaborative Documentation of the Endangered Language Bororo | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Moritz | Schularick | "Too-big-to-fail" and Historical Banking Crises | This grant has led a new publicly-available historical database of global financial crises since 1870 and two papers: ìBanking Crises Without Panicsî (_Quarterly Journal of Economics_, 2020) and a new working paper. | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Bonn | CCSS Grant | |
Jonathon | Schuldt | Communication | Cross-Cultural Public Opinion on Climate Change Amid Global Energy Transition | This grant resulted in a Washington Post article ("Despite what Trump says, most Americans want climate action-even if China doesn't do its part") and prompted a related project and a paper published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Mathieu | Taschereau-Dumouchel | Economics | Cascades and Fluctuations in an Economy with an Endogenous Production Network | The research supported by this grant has been presented at 25 conferences and seminars. Further publications are pending. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Steven | Ward | Government | Status and the Politics of National Decline | Research has been delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I plan to complete the funded research by next summer. | 2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Kaspar | Zimmerman | "Too-big-to-fail" and Historical Banking Crises | This grant has led a new publicly-available historical database of global financial crises since 1870 and two papers: ìBanking Crises Without Panicsî (_Quarterly Journal of Economics_, 2020) and a new working paper. | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Bonn | CCSS Grant | |
John | Zinda | Development Sociology | Cross-Cutting Risk Responses: Flood Risk in COVID-19 Context | This fellowship facilitated analytical work and advanced methodological training, as of January 2022 yielding one journal article (Different Hazards, Different Responses: Assessments of Flooding and COVID-19 Risks among Upstate New York Residents), two manuscripts in progress, and a grant proposal in preparation. |
2018 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
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