Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Shorna | Allred | Natural Resources | Civic Engagement, Civil Society Organizations, and Urban Environmental Governance: Implications for the New Environmental Politics of Urban Development | This research project utilized a governance framework to examine the civic engagement strategies of civil society organizations involved in urban environmental management, and how those strategies strengthen the influence of civil society organizations in urban regimes for land-use management. |
2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Christopher B. | Barrett | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Targeting and Impacts of India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme | This small grant generated multiple peer-reviewed articles, in for example World Bank Economic Review, World Development, Economic & Political Weekly. |
2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
William | Block | Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research | Cyber-Boosting African Social Science: Exporting the Cornell College of Computing and Information Science Experience | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell Research Division | CCSS Grant | |
Shooshan | Danagoulian | Economics | Health Insurance Choice and Utilization | This award supported the dissertation research of Shooshan Danagoulian. Her dissertation has led to 2 papers in peer-reviewed journals -- Health Economics 2018, and the International Journal of Health Economics 2018. | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Parfait | Eloundou-Enyegue | Development Sociology | Cyber-Boosting African Social Science: Exporting the Cornell College of Computing and Information Science Experience | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Ziad | Fahmy | Near Eastern Studies | Listening to the Nation: Mass Culture and Identities in Interwar Egypt | This seed grant led to my award of an NEH [FPIRI Program]—American Research Center in Egypt Faculty Research Fellowship. It also supported my research, which led to my recent book: Street Sounds: Listening to Everyday Life in Modern Egypt (Stanford University Press, 2020) |
2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Eli | Friedman | International and Comparative Labor | Education Work in China: A Comparative Study of Beijing's Separate School Systems | This support allowed me to conduct fieldwork that helped advance my book project. Most directly, it led to the publication of an article, “Teachers’ Work in China’s Migrant Schools” in Modern China. | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Sarah | Giroux | Development Sociology | Cyber-Boosting African Social Science: Exporting the Cornell College of Computing and Information Science Experience | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Valerie | Hans | Law | Fuzzy-Trace Theory and the Law: Testing a Theoretical Model of Juror Damage Awards | Investigations spanned the psychology of commission of crimes to jury deliberation and sentencing including criminal and non-criminal risky decisions in adolescents and adults, risk taking and crime in the brain, and decision processes in psychopathy, ultimately leading to 17 publications and 19 presentations. | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant |
Don | Kenkel | Policy Analysis and Management | Health Insurance Choice and Utilization | This award supported the dissertation research of Shooshan Danagoulian. Her dissertation has led to 2 papers in peer-reviewed journals -- Health Economics 2018, and the International Journal of Health Economics 2018. | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Stacey | Langwick | Anthropology | Toward Sustainable Health: Modernizing Traditional Medicine in Tanzania | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Aija | Leiponen | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Innovating the Smart Grid: Organization of R&D, Standards, and the Electricity Industry | This exploratory project merged with a broader effort to analyze firms’ innovation efforts and contributions to industry standards in network markets. Two articles were published in 2014 (with Delcamp and Bar, respectively) that illustrate firms’ cooperative strategies and knowledge sharing in standard setting. | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Yanyan | Liu | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Targeting and Impacts of India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme | This small grant generated multiple peer-reviewed articles, in for example World Bank Economic Review, World Development, Economic & Political Weekly. | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Jordan | Matsudaira | Policy Analysis and Management | Modeling College Choice: The Role of Preferences and Constraints in Producing Disparities in College Attendance Outcomes | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Andrew | Mertha | Government | Policymaking under the Shadow of Death: The Policymaking Process under the Khmer Rouge in Democratic Kampuchea | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Muna | Ndulo | Institute for African Development | Elections, Accountability, and Democratic Governance in Africa | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant | |
Richard | Patterson | Policy Analysis and Management | Modeling College Choice: The Role of Preferences and Constraints in Producing Disparities in College Attendance Outcomes | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Valerie | Reyna | Human Development | Fuzzy-Trace Theory and the Law: Testing a Theoretical Model of Juror Damage Awards | Investigations spanned the psychology of commission of crimes to jury deliberation and sentencing including criminal and non-criminal risky decisions in adolescents and adults, risk taking and crime in the brain, and decision processes in psychopathy, ultimately leading to 17 publications and 19 presentations. | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Andrey | Ukhov | School of Hotel Administration | Time-Varying Risk Preferences and Asset Prices: Evidence from Lottery Bonds | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
Vivian | Zayas | Psychology | Platonic Friendship and Social Olfactory Cues in Human Body Odor | Prior support led to 4 conference talks and 3 poster presentations. | 2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
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