Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Christopher | Andronicos | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | This workshop added and integrated perspectives drawn from ecological systems into the socio-cultural context that defines pluralism, the objectives being: articulation of an enriched concept of pluralism; identification of new and integrated areas of research; and development of a strategy for further research. |
2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Rosemary | Avery | Policy Analysis and Management | Smoking Cessation Advertisements and Source Credibility | The project eventually led to two NIH grants and many publications on tobacco warning labels and advertising. | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Jeremy | Birnholtz | Communication | Improving Distributed Collaboration by Understanding Interpersonal Attention | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Bernd | Blossey | Natural Resources | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Sahara | Byrne | Communication | Smoking Cessation Advertisements and Source Credibility | The project eventually led to two NIH grants and many publications on tobacco warning labels and advertising. | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Richard | Canfield | Nutritional Sciences | Effect of Maternal Choline Intake on Neurocognitive Development in Infants | We found that a higher maternal choline intake during the last trimester improved infant processing speed across the first year of life. “Maternal choline supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy improves infant information processing speed: a randomized, double-blind, controlled feeding study. FASEB J. 2018;32(4):2172-2180” | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Marie | Caudill | Nutritional Sciences | Effect of Maternal Choline Intake on Neurocognitive Development in Infants | We found that a higher maternal choline intake during the last trimester improved infant processing speed across the first year of life. “Maternal choline supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy improves infant information processing speed: a randomized, double-blind, controlled feeding study. FASEB J. 2018;32(4):2172-2180” | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Parfait | Eloundou-Enyegue | Global Development | Schooling, Childbearing, and Work Transitions of Young Women in Africa: Understanding Determinants and Consequences | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Jason | Faberman | Agglomeration Effects: The Role of Selection | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago | CCSS Grant | ||
Matthew | Freedman | Labor Economics | Agglomeration Effects: The Role of Selection | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
Peter | Glick | Nutritional Sciences | Schooling, Childbearing, and Work Transitions of Young Women in Africa: Understanding Determinants and Consequences | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
James | Hesford | School of Hotel Administration | Give & Take: Incentive Framing in Compensation Contracts | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
Elizabeth | Hirsh | Sociology | Human Resources Policies and Discrimination Charges | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
C. Kirabo | Jackson | Labor Economics | A Stitch in Time: Evaluating the Effects of an AP Incentive Program on College Outcomes | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
Kurt | Jordan | Anthropology | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | This workshop added and integrated perspectives drawn from ecological systems into the socio-cultural context that defines pluralism, the objectives being: articulation of an enriched concept of pluralism; identification of new and integrated areas of research; and development of a strategy for further research. |
2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Yoon | Kang | Racial Disparities in Patient Care and the Role of Medical Training: An audit study | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | CCSS Grant | ||
Karim-Aly | Kassam | Natural Resources | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | This workshop added and integrated perspectives drawn from ecological systems into the socio-cultural context that defines pluralism, the objectives being: articulation of an enriched concept of pluralism; identification of new and integrated areas of research; and development of a strategy for further research. |
2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Julie | Kmec | Human Resources Policies and Discrimination Charges | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Washington State University | CCSS Grant | ||
Archie | Luyimbazi | Tune in to Governance. An Experimental Investigation of Radio Campaigns in Africa | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Makerere University | CCSS Grant | ||
Alan | Mathois | Policy Analysis and Management | Smoking Cessation Advertisements and Source Credibility | The project eventually led to two NIH grants and many publications on tobacco warning labels and advertising. |
2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Jordan | Matsudaira | Policy Analysis and Management | Minimum Staffing Legalization and the Quality of Health Care: Evidence on Effectiveness and Necessity from a Natural Experiment | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Lisa | Mccabe | Human Development | Poverty, Equity and State Policy: The Move Toward Universal Pre-kindergarten in New York State Rural School Districts | This grant allowed deep and multi-method exploration of the equity implications of the implementation of Universal PreK in NYS. We also discovered a negative impact of UPK programming on infant and toddler care in rural communities. This led to conference papers, a Hatch grant, and Sipple, Casto & McCabe (2020). Child Care Deserts in New York State: Factors Related to the Community Capacity to Care for Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. |
2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Devra | Moehler | Government | Tune in to Governance: An Experimental Investigation of Radio Campaigns in Africa | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Eva | Pressman | Effect of Maternal Choline Intake on Neurocognitive Development in Infants | We found that a higher maternal choline intake during the last trimester improved infant processing speed across the first year of life. “Maternal choline supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy improves infant information processing speed: a randomized, double-blind, controlled feeding study. FASEB J. 2018;32(4):2172-2180” | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | University of Rochester | CCSS Grant | |
Troy | Richardson | American Indian and Indigenous Studies | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | This workshop added and integrated perspectives drawn from ecological systems into the socio-cultural context that defines pluralism, the objectives being: articulation of an enriched concept of pluralism; identification of new and integrated areas of research; and development of a strategy for further research. |
2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Susan | Riha | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | This workshop added and integrated perspectives drawn from ecological systems into the socio-cultural context that defines pluralism, the objectives being: articulation of an enriched concept of pluralism; identification of new and integrated areas of research; and development of a strategy for further research. |
2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Engineering | CCSS Grant |
Annelise | Riles | Anthropology | Law Markets and Social Equity Conference | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant | |
Judith | Ross-Bernstein | Human Development | Poverty, Equity and State Policy: The Move Toward Universal Pre-kindergarten in New York State Rural School Districts | This grant allowed deep and multi-method exploration of the equity implications of the implementation of Universal PreK in NYS. We also discovered a negative impact of UPK programming on infant and toddler care in rural communities. This led to conference papers, a Hatch grant, and Sipple, Casto & McCabe (2020). Child Care Deserts in New York State: Factors Related to the Community Capacity to Care for Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Brian | Rubineau | Organizational Behavior | Racial Disparities in Patient Care and the Role of Medical Training: An audit study | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
David | Sahn | Nutritional Sciences | Schooling, Childbearing, and Work Transitions of Young Women in Africa: Understanding Determinants and Consequences | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
John | Sipple | Education | Poverty, Equity and State Policy: The Move Toward Universal Pre-kindergarten in New York State Rural School Districts | This grant allowed deep and multi-method exploration of the equity implications of the implementation of Universal PreK in NYS. We also discovered a negative impact of UPK programming on infant and toddler care in rural communities. This led to conference papers, a Hatch grant, and Sipple, Casto & McCabe (2020). Child Care Deserts in New York State: Factors Related to the Community Capacity to Care for Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Philip | Sol Hart | Communication | Smoking Cessation Advertisements and Source Credibility | The project eventually led to two NIH grants and many publications on tobacco warning labels and advertising. | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Barbara | Strupp | Nutritional Sciences | Effect of Maternal Choline Intake on Neurocognitive Development in Infants | We found that a higher maternal choline intake during the last trimester improved infant processing speed across the first year of life. “Maternal choline supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy improves infant information processing speed: a randomized, double-blind, controlled feeding study. FASEB J. 2018;32(4):2172-2180” | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
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