Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Amanda | Birnbaum | Public Health | Adolescent Health and Community Service: Building Bridges and Planting Seeds | 2005 | Spring | Co-PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | CCSS Grant | |
John | Cawley | Policy Analysis and Management | Consumer Response to the Withdrawal of Prescription Drugs | This project, which examined how consumers respond when prescription drugs were pulled from the market, resulted in a peer-reviewed publication. It also led to further collaboration, and two subsequent publications on related topics, with the same coauthor. | 2005 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Shelley | Feldman | Development Sociology | Building a Sociology of Displacement | 2005 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Charles | Geisler | Development Sociology | Building a Sociology of Displacement | 2005 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Jeffrey | Hancock | Communication | Lying Online: The Effects of Communication Technology on Deception | 2005 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Devra | Moehler | Government | Media Effects and Political Knowledge in Africa | 2005 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Tracy | Nichols | Public Health | Adolescent Health and Community Service: Building Bridges and Planting Seeds | 2005 | Spring | PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | CCSS Grant |
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